Scripture Reading - Matthew 10:35-38 Good News Bible (GNB)

35 I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law;
36 your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.
37 "Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples; those who love their son or daughter more than me are not fit to be my disciples.
38 Those who do not take up their cross and follow in my steps are not fit to be my disciples.

Recently we have been studying “Relationships” among various people. We have looked at “Surface Relationships” for those you only know on a surface level (common general information). We have also reviewed “Ministry Mode” for those people you help as unto the Lord expecting nothing in return. We have also looked at “Business Mode” for those relationships in which it is nothing personal just strictly mutual benefit. We have taught on “Employee Mode” which speaks to benefitting the company as a representative of Christ Jesus for the good of all people. In one lesson we spoke about "Honoring Authoritative Relationships” because they are God ordained. We have taught on “submitting” to those over you in an “Authoritative Relationship” when you disagree with your leader’s decision. We have discussed handling conflict between yourself and an authority figure on grey areas that are not sin. A discussion on handling “Needy People” in your relationships has also taken place. We spoke on being comfortable in “Broken Relationships” with people that you rarely fellowship or speak with. In this lesson we will teach about “Family Relationships”. As Born-Again Christians we have two families. We always have a natural family including our natural father and mother and our natural brothers and sisters. This natural family is sometimes referred to as our earthly family. This earthly family includes those children from other relationships and even those holy children we bring into our immediate family through adoption or guardianship. Yes, even without the legal paper work (official signed legal documents) the people of your household are deemed your family the whole time they are staying with you when the stay is over an extended time frame. This extended stay ranges from several months to over several years. The moment the parent(s) call the new member part of the family and the new member accepts that relationship title it is then established that there is a common bond of a “Family Relationship”. However, there is a higher family relationship in Christ Jesus our Lord. Membership into this family was also established by blood. Yes, even when parents try to say my children came with much suffering and sacrifice, Christ Jesus can boost the same. The key is Children of God are forever whereas natural children and natural families are only for a temporal season. Yes, there are families in Heaven but not all family members make it unto that holy sacred place, praise God for all that do (Thank you Jesus). What we (ihlcc) mean by that is God gave you a family for a span of time while you are on the earth. Basically you and your family were created by God to glorify His majesty, love, good works and salvation while you are living on His Earth. We know that God started the family when He allowed you to be created, so it would be quite foolish to think that you are a self-made man with a man-made family. No, quite the contrary, you are a God-made man with a God-given family. The Lord allowed certain people to fall in love to be married and God allows certain people to be born into certain families for even arranged marriages. This wisdom of God is not by chance but very precisely established by God through His divine will on the earth. Yes, man can marry without God’s blessing but we all would be hard pressed to say the parents had children without God’s intervention or intention. Yes, this is why the Holy Bible is very clear that the first family is God’s family. Surely all God’s children must be accountable to God first and foremost through the guidance of the Holy Spirit by complete submission, then work with your natural family members in all things that are not in direct conflict with God’s Will for your life. This basically means be humble before God so that He can direct your ways (steps, paths, thoughts and desires) and try to be at peace with all men. Speaking practically submit unto your parents while you are young but when you become of full age always choose God’s Will over the will of other family members. Yes, dearly beloved parents, never choose the affection of your child over the will of your Father God. Abraham has already showed us that choosing God’s Will has better long-lasting results that can bless multitudes over you just comforting your child. Remember, it is never wise to value a gift (your children) over the Giver of the gift (God). Likewise, we should not choose the creation over the Creator. Adam did this once and cost all humanity a great price that he could never afford to repay. So be wise, dear child of God, by valuing the “Family Relationship” with Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Father as first priority in your life and handle all natural “family relationships” in His spiritual Light of God’s Love. “Family relationships” are only as strong as their foundation, so be sure you build upon the foundation of God’s Word upholding the household of God’s Love. Amen.